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Paradise Tropicals LLC

Starlight Bristlenose Pleco L183

Starlight Bristlenose Pleco L183

Regular price $50.00 USD
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Starlight Bristlenose Pleco L183 Ancistrus dolichopterus

Medium 3" - 3.5"

The subtle beauty of this sought after bristlenose pleco will definitely be a focal point in your aquarium! Also known as the White Seam Bristlenose, this pleco is usually jet black with beautiful white seams on the dorsal and caudal(tail) fins, and dusted with small white spots all over the body. Along with being a stunning pleco, it is also a great algae eater too. Starlight Bristlenose require warmer temperatures and do best in planted tanks or biotopes which need  similar temperature requirements. They originate from the Rio Negro in Brazil, which is a warm, clean, blackwater river-type biotope. Replicating this will make them fell cozy, but it is not required to keep them happy and healthy. These plecos usually remain solitary, but in a large enough tank, they will congregate around feeding time.

  • Adult Size: 4 - 6"
  • Minimum Tank Size: One fish per 20 gallon, if keeping as a group, 55 gallons +
  • Diet : Mostly herbivorous, relishing fresh veggies like zucchini, peas and lettuce, along with spirulina flakes, algae wafers and pellets. They will eat some meaty foods as a treat, like frozen bloodworms and krill but feed sparingly as it can cause problems if regularly fed these items.
  • pH level range: 5.0 - 7.0
  • Temperature range: 78° - 86° F
  • KH: 1 - 10 dKH



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